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Janette SpeyerinFlipboard Users PublicationLearn How The Christian Science Monitor Uses Flipboard for SuccessAs the founder and manager of the Flipboard User Group, I have had the privilege of meeting and interviewing many interesting people over…Oct 18Oct 18
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Janette SpeyerinFlipboard Users PublicationHow to Use Flipboard Magazine Formats to Boost TrafficBy collecting information in a Flipboard magazine, your media takes on another dimension. Readers explore and enjoy content in a beautiful…Sep 24Sep 24
Janette SpeyerExploring the Fediverse: My Journey Through Decentralized Social MediaWho is experimenting with the Fediverse, if not, perhaps you should be.Aug 6Aug 6
Janette SpeyerinFlipboard Users PublicationPut A Call to Action On Your Flipboard ProfileWhile browsing through Flipboard, I discovered your magazine. The content appealed to me, so I flipped through several more articles and…Jul 23Jul 23
Janette SpeyerWhy A CEO Is the Best Company InfluencerAre you a high-powered exec or a company CEO with a success story and a unique talent?Jul 161Jul 161